Glossary W

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Wakegi refers to a green onion that has a longer green stem than the other green onions. The thinner is called Asatsuki. Wakige is used in Sunomono vinegar dishes, while Asatsuki is used for toppings for added flavor.

Wok Hei also spelled Wok Hay is defined as the flavor which is particularly prized in Cantonese cuisine which is imparted to foods that are stir-fried in a very hot wok; flavor imparted by a very hot frying pan that is so prized by the Cantonese; the aromatic charred fragrance which is infused into the food as a result of frying the ingredients on a wok over a big flame.

The word lager comes from the German word lagern which means, "to store". A perfect description as lagers are brewed with bottom fermenting yeast that work slowly at around 34 degrees F, and

Wienerbrød refers to Danish Pastry. In Denmark it is called Wienerbrød (Viennese bread). In Vienna, Austria, Wienerbrød is known as "Kopenhagener Gebäck" or "Dänischer Plunder".

Wienerbrød has been known in Denmark since 1840 and is said to have been created by immigrant bakers from Vienna, Austria.

Wu Kok refers to a savory Chinese snack which consists of a deep-fried ball of pastry filled/stuffed with cooled and mashed Taro. Also defined as deep-fried mashed Taro Puffs.

Wu Kok is also spelled Woo Kok. Based on Chinese-English Dictionary, "yù" (wu) means Taro and Jiǎo means dumpling.

Waza refers to a Cook specilazing in Kashmiri banquets. Vasta Waza is the Master chef.

Wazwan refers to the delectable aromatic banquet of Kashmir. Wazwan consists of 36 course meal, essentially, meat-based prepared by Wazas (cooks) under the supervision of Vasta Waza, the Master Chef.

Kashmir is located in the northwestern part of India.

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