Glossary W

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Wurtz Avocado refers to the popular evergreen variety of Avocado that is ideal for the home gardener, as it is self pollinating and dwarf like, growing to only 2.5 meters high, yet produces an abundance of top quality fruit with a thin, shiny skin and small seed. It boasts good consistent flavor and is well respected in the avocado community.
White Pizza a culinary term referring to any pizza made without tomato sauce.
Würstchenbuden refer to the street stalls where sausages, like bratwurst and currywurst and fries can all be purchased
Wild Black Vanilla Pod (Vanilla Planifola) refers to a variety of vanilla said to have originated from Madagascar which has a superior quality to any other available vanilla variety. In Madagascar these vanilla are handpicked by the locals and then cured to bring out its flavor. The Wild Black Vanilla Pod is jet black and is between 17 to 22 centimeter long. The fragrance and strength of this rare Vanilla is quite incredible. Vanilla is a rare spice and it is the seed pod of a type of Orchid. It takes about 2 years for a pod to mature it then goes through a laborious curing process which takes over 3 months before its natural aroma is properly developed.
Würstelstand refers to Austria's sausage stand or snack bar which sells snacks such as hot sausage, as well as a few other things – usually French fries, soft drinks, canned beer and occasionally burgers.
Wan Dou Huang which is also called Pea Cake refers to a traditional Beijing snack, available in spring when the pea is ripe. Wan Dou Huang is made from boiled as well as mashed peas and small Chinese jujubes, it tastes sweet, soft, delicious and full of aroma. To prepare the cake you need good yellow peas and a kind of special herb which is added to the pea paste 10 minutes before stir-frying. lf the herb is added too early, the yellow color it brings will disappear. Moreover, the peas should be thoroughly rinsed and the paste should be carefully filtered. A suitable amount of water and heat should be applied before a quality Pea cake out of the oven. In Beijing, the most authentic Pea Cake is made by Fangshan Restaurant, where you can also enjoy other yummy local snacks. And if there happens to be a temple fair in spring, Pea cakes are sure to be served for customers.

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