Deutsch: Knusprige Garnelen / Español: Camarones Crujientes / Português: Camarão Crocante / Français: Crevettes Croustillantes / Italiano: Gamberi Croccanti /

In the food context, "Crispy Hipon" refers to a popular Filipino dish that consists of deep-fried shrimp, often coated in a light batter to achieve a crispy texture. "Hipon" is the Filipino word for shrimp or prawn, making "Crispy Hipon" a straightforward description of the dish's main ingredient and its preparation method.

Preparation and Ingredients:

The preparation of Crispy Hipon involves cleaning the shrimp and, depending on personal preference, removing the head, shell, and deveining them. The shrimp are then marinated briefly in a mixture of seasonings, which may include salt, pepper, and sometimes a bit of lemon juice or calamansi (a type of citrus prevalent in the Philippines) for added flavor. After marinating, the shrimp are coated in a batter made from flour, cornstarch, and sometimes egg, to give them a crispy exterior once fried. The shrimp are then deep-fried in hot oil until golden and crispy.


Crispy Hipon is typically served hot, often accompanied by a dipping sauce such as vinegar with garlic, sweet and sour sauce, or a spicy mayo. It can be enjoyed as a main dish, served with rice, or as an appetizer or snack.

Culinary Context:

Crispy Hipon is a testament to the Filipino love for seafood and deep-fried dishes. It highlights the simplicity of Filipino cooking, focusing on enhancing the natural flavors of the ingredients with minimal seasonings and letting the texture play a significant role in the overall eating experience.

Nutritional Considerations:

While shrimp are a good source of protein and contain several vitamins and minerals, the deep-frying process adds a significant amount of fat to the dish. Therefore, Crispy Hipon is best enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.


Crispy Hipon is a beloved Filipino dish that showcases the rich seafood culture of the Philippines. Its simplicity, combined with the delightful contrast of the crispy batter and the tender shrimp inside, makes it a favorite among many. Whether as a main dish or a snack, Crispy Hipon is a delicious way to enjoy the flavors of the sea. --

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