Deutsch: Maisstärke / Español: Almidón de maíz / Português: Amido de milho / Français: Amidon de maïs / Italiano: Amido di mais

Cornstarch is a fine, powdery starch that is extracted from the endosperm of corn kernels. It is commonly used as a thickening agent in cooking and baking, as well as a staple in many gluten-free recipes.


Cornstarch is predominantly used to thicken sauces, gravies, soups, puddings, and other cooked mixtures. It is preferred for its clear, transparent finish and its relatively flavorless taste, which makes it particularly useful in delicate sauces and desserts that require thickening without altering the flavor profile.

When mixed with cold water, it forms a paste often referred to as a "slurry," which can be stirred into hot liquids. The mixture needs to be brought to a boil and then simmered briefly to activate the thickening properties. Unlike flour, cornstarch has twice the thickening power and results in a glossy, not cloudy, mixture.

Application Areas

Cornstarch is used in a wide variety of culinary applications:

  • Thickening Agent: For sauces, gravies, soups, stews, and stir-fries.
  • Baking: Used in shortbread cookies to produce a delicate, crumbly texture.
  • Frying: Often used in batter recipes to provide a crispy coating for fried foods.
  • Desserts: Essential for custards and puddings that require a smooth, thick consistency without the graininess that flour can sometimes impart.

Well-Known Examples

Cornstarch is a key ingredient in many popular dishes:

  • Chinese Sweet and Sour Sauce: Often thickened with cornstarch to achieve the right consistency.
  • Lemon Meringue Pie: Uses cornstarch to thicken the lemon filling.
  • Turkish Delight: A classic dessert that relies on cornstarch for its characteristic chewy texture.

Treatment and Risks

Cornstarch is safe for most people when used in cooking and baking. However, because it is a refined carbohydrate, it can cause spikes in blood sugar levels and should be used in moderation, particularly by those managing diabetes. It is also important to mix cornstarch with cold water before adding it to hot liquids to prevent clumping.


Cornstarch can be incorporated into a variety of recipes. Here are a couple of simple uses:

  • Velveting Chicken for Stir-fries:
    • Ingredients: Boneless chicken breasts, egg white, cornstarch, and seasonings.
    • Method: Slice chicken, mix with egg white and cornstarch, and marinate for 30 minutes. Briefly blanch in hot oil or water before proceeding with the stir-fry.
  • Homemade Pudding:
    • Ingredients: Milk, sugar, cornstarch, vanilla extract, butter.
    • Method: Mix cornstarch with a small amount of milk to make a paste. Heat the rest of the milk with sugar, then add the cornstarch mixture. Cook until thickened, then remove from heat and stir in vanilla and butter.

Similar Terms


Cornstarch is a versatile ingredient commonly used as a thickening agent in many recipes, from sauces and gravies to desserts and baked goods. Its ability to produce a clear, thickened texture without adding flavor makes it a preferred choice in various culinary applications. While it is a useful kitchen staple, it should be used thoughtfully, especially by those needing to manage blood sugar levels.


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