Glossary R

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Rocoto refers to a red, hot pepper/chili used in Peru. Rocoto pepper looks like a sweet red pepper, however, it is a very hot pepper. It is used in cooking many classic and traditional Peruvian dishes. Rocoto are thinly sliced and mixed with chopped onion for a sauce to accompany fried Guinea pigs, a traditional dish from Peru. The following are the detailed information about Rocoto: Species Name: Capsicum pubescens Color: Green to golden yellow, orange or red Average Size: 2 inches wide, 2 inches long Shape: Round, sometimes pear-shaped Description: Very hot, thick-walled pods, usually eaten fresh as they don't dry well Scoville Heat Units: Not rated but hotter than Habanero (300,000+) If not available, Rocoto can be substituted with Habanero but only for sharpness, but not for the flavor. Rocoto is also known as: Manzano, Canaria, Locoto, Perron (Mexico), Caballo (Guatemala), Manzana, Jalapeno (Costa Rica) Rocotos are most commonly grown in South America, Central America and Mexico. Interesting Facts: The rocoto is still quite unknown in North America as it is not grown commercially in the U.S. It is an exotic looking chile with long, hairy stems, purple flowers, and jet-black seeds. It grows at a high altitude of between 3,500 to 6,000 feet and requires a cool climate. The rocoto is believed by many to be much hotter than a habanero but this has still not been substantiated. Most Common Uses: In sauces, as a seasoning, in meat and vegetable dishes.

Revani refers to a traditional Turkish sweet made from semolina; a cake made of semolina that is soaked in light syrup. Beside Semolina, there is also yogurt among the ingredients. After baking, the semolina cake is cut in equal square pieces and then a syrup made from granulated sugar is poured on top while it is still hot. Revani can be served with thick cream, Kaymak or clotted milk cream, pistachios and hot Turkish cocoa drink. Revani is rumored to be invented by the chefs of the Sultan's palace to celebrate the conquest of Armenia in the era of Ottoman Empire. Thus the name comes (said to be) from Erivan victory. Revani can also be found in Greek Cuisine, where it is usually called Ravani.

Roosterkoek refers to South African bread or dough cake, leavened or unleavened, baked on a grid-iron over a fire.

Royal Basmati Rice dish made from a mixture of basmati rice, cashew nuts, raisins and spices

Rasher refers to a slice of meat, often referring to bacon. It is also deifned as a serving of thinly sliced bacon.

Rasher of Bacon refers to the three (3) thinly slices of Bacon