Glossary N

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Nantua is a name given to dishes containing crayfish. This includes crayfish tails and sauces made with a crayfish fumet.

New York steak refers to a cut of meat from the short loin of beef. New York steak is tender and boneless. New York steak also has many aliases: New York Strip Steak, Delmonico Steak, Shell Steak, Strip Steak and Kansas City Strip Steak.
New York Strip Steak is another term for New York steak . New York Strip Steak is also known as New York Steak, Delmonico Steak, Shell Steak, Strip steak and Kansas City Strip Steak.
Nokkelost is a Norwegian cheese that is similar to the Dutch's Leyden. Nokkelost is flavored with cumin or caraway.
New York steak is another name for Strip steak which is a beef steak cut from a boneless loin. New York steak also has many aliases: New York Strip steak, Delmonico Steak, Shell Steak, Strip steak and Kansas City Strip Steak.
Nap is a culinary term which means "to coat the food lightly and evenly with a sauce "

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