Glossary N
NuMex Twilight refer to one of the hottest chili peppers in the world beside Bhut Jolokia, Red Scotch Bonnet, Tabasco, etc.
Aside from being very, very hot, the NuMex Twilight chilli peppers are also some of the most visually striking in the world. These peppers are about one inch long and very glossy and change color as they mature, from purple to orange to bright red. A NuMex Twilight plant covered with peppers in different stages of maturation is truly a sight.
Néré seeds are used to flavor the sauces that accompany every meal of Tô or rice which is the staple food of the Burkina Faso.
In Burkina Faso, Néré trees where Néré seeds come from are never cleared from farming land because their black seeds are a vital part of every meal. The Néré seeds are fermented and shaped into balls, called Soumbala or Maggi Africain (African stock-cubes). It is a practice in Burkina Faso that when a landowner leases a plot of land to another farmer, the rights of the tree crops go to the tenant. But if there are Néré trees on the land the owner will always keep the rights to the crop.
Ndole refers to one of the Cameroon special foods and is a popular dish of the south. The chief ingredients of Ndole are bitterleaf, melon seeds, peanuts, fish or meat. Cooked in oil and flavored by different spices, Ndole, is one of the favorite Cameroon foods.