Glossary P

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Panna grassa is the Italian word for "heavy cream". Heavy cream contains more than 36\% butterfat. Heavy cream is used for filling and decorating pastries.

Panna acida is the Italian word for "sour cream". Sour cream is obtained by fermenting a regular cream by certain kinds of lactic acid bacteria.

Pera is the Italian word for pear, a type of fruit. Pera is eaten out of hand in place of sweets or desserts, and can also be made into jams, preserves, Sorbetto and added into fruit

Porro is an Italian word for "leek", an edible plant which is related to the onion and has a white rounded bulb and flat green leaves
Prezzemolo is an Italian word for "parsley", an aromatic herb with flat or curly leaves used as cooking herb or for garnishing. It is also used in soups and stews.

Pollo da friggere is the Italian term for a fryer or pullet, a young hen usually less than a year old. It also refers to the flesh of a medium-sized young chicken suitable for frying

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