Glossary P

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Pimentón', 'Peynir', 'Pork'
Peiching hsun chi refers to a famous Northern foul Peking dish which is also known as is Smoked Chicken.

Ping tung lien tzu is one of the more famous Peking desserts made of lotus seeds with crystal-sugar.

Papao wo wo tou refers to a Peking dessert of steamed dumpling said to be famous in the Manchurian court

Panga literally means "jaw", actually refers to the jaw of yellowfin Tuna (Panga ng Tuna) which is usually grilled and served with toyo, kalamansi and siling labuyo mixture and rice

Panghimagas is the Filipino word for "Dessert", a sweets taken after meals. Examples are minatamis na saging, ube, Leche flan, garbazos, fresh ripe fruits like, banana, papaya, etc.

Pommes chateau refers to potatoes which are cut in olive shapes or sometimes strips and stewed in butter. It is often used as a garnish for grilled chateaubriand steak.

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