Glossary P

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Pimentón', 'Peynir', 'Pork'
Poivre noir is a French word for "black pepper". It is also known as "poivre gris".

Princessebudding is a Danish and Norwegian term for princess pudding

Pysanky refer to Ukrainian colorful and intricately decorated Easter eggs.The word comes from the ancient Ukrainian "pysaty" which means "to write", which refers to the way these eggs

Peiching Kao Ya refers to the world's famous Peking duck is the most famous Peking dish. Peiching Kao Ya is the most famous dish among Beijing-style dishes, usually prepared for a minimum of

Pitti refers to a flatbread from Hunza, traditionally baked in a skillet or clay dish with hot coals under it and piled on top, Dutch-oven style.

Potato starch noodles is a kind of noodle used in Vietnamese cooking. They are long, fine. green-brown. translucent dried noodles. Cook in rapidly boiling water for about 5 minutes or

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