The Glorious Food Glossary
The Glorious Food Glossary tells you everything important about the world of food. The Food Glosssary is all about different kinds of food from all over the world and how they are prepared and what their main ingredients are.
Moreover, the glossary is all about what people all over the world are eating and drinking and their activities, festivities, marriages, etc that involves food.
This Food Glossary is all about food . . . glorious food. We tell you about the food, some stories about them and we try our best to make photos of them as we travel around the world. As of now, we are featuring extensively foods from Germany, the Philippines and the State of Kerala, India, but we will add more pictures for you to enjoy as we discover the food of the world... as we travel around the globe.
All articles are available through the search function or via the A to Z line at the top of every page.
Knäcke (Knaecke)
Knäcke (Knaecke) also called Knäckebrot (Knaeckebrot) refers to crisp or crispy bread. In Germany, they can be bought in plastic packs with at least 6 pieces plain or with assorted nuts, like white and black sesame seeds, poppy seeds, pine nuts or pumpkin nuts or mixed nuts, like the one in the picture below.
Deutsch: Dose
In the food context, 'can' typically refers to a container used for preserving or packaging food. The most common type of can is made of metal and is sealed with a lid.
Feng / Feng Curry / Curry Feng
Feng or Feng Curry or Curry Feng refers to a spicy Eurasian curry dish containing minced beef or pork; minced pig’s kidney, liver, stomach, tripe and tongue; and various spices. Moreover, Feng is a spicy curry with pig entrails, organs or offals. Feng is traditionally eaten by Eurasians on Christmas and New Year’s Day. It is said that this curry is best eaten a day older, when the meat and the liver soaked up the taste of the curry sauce.
Deutsch: Abschrecken / Español: Choque térmico / Português: Choque térmico / Français: Choc thermique / Italiano: Raffreddamento improvviso
Shocking in the food context refers to the technique of plunging cooked food, especially vegetables or eggs, into ice-cold water immediately after boiling or blanching. The purpose of shocking is to rapidly stop the cooking process, preserve the food's bright colour, retain its crisp texture, and improve its overall quality. This method is often used in professional and home kitchens to prepare ingredients for salads, stir-fries, or as a step in freezing vegetables.
Mixiote refers to a one of the dishes found in Honduras which is made of meat (lamb, chicken) wrapped in maguey leaves and then baked for hours in a wood-fired oven. Mixiotes is also described as steamed packets of seasoned mutton, whose contents may be rolled into thick tortillas and garnished with fiery Chiles de Manzana (very hot, yellow chili peppers) or Guajillo chilies.