Glossary R

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Rice', 'Roti', 'Ris de Veau'
Remonter is a French term which means to remount, that is to repair a sauce or a cream that has separated in or to return it to its proper appearance and texture.

Remouillage French word that means "re-wetting".

Rissoler is a French term which means to cook a food in hot fat or oil until well-colored.

Roulade is a French term which means a rolled and filled slice of meat, usually braised in stock or wine, slice of meat or fish rolled around a stuffing.

Rotisserie is a French term that refers to a cooking equipment that slowly rotates meat or other foods in front of a heating element.

Royale is a French term which means a consomme garnish made of unsweetened custard cut into decorative shapes.

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