Glossary R

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Ravioli di formaggio is referring to a ravioli stuffed with ricotta cheese.

Ravioli fritti di ricotta is one of the special desserts from Sulcis, one of the 7 Regions of Sardinia.

English: Stuffing / Deutsch: Füllung / Español: Relleno / Português: Recheio / Français: Farce / Italiano: Ripieno /

Relleno a Filipino dish of stuffed chicken, fish or vegetables.

Rouille is the French word for "Rust" which describes the color of this spicy sauce made of hot chiles, garlic, breadcrumbs and olive oil and generally diluted with fish stock.

Rascasse brune a Frenmch term for black scorpion fish.

Rascasse du Nord a French term meaning redfish.