Glossary T

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Deutsch: Tzatziki / Español: Tzatziki / Português: Tzatziki / Français: Tzatziki / Italiano: Tzatziki

Tzatziki is a traditional Greek dip or sauce made primarily from yogurt, cucumbers, garlic, and various seasonings. It is known for its refreshing and creamy texture and is a staple in Greek cuisine.

Deutsch: Steckrübe / Español: Nabo / Português: Nabo / Français: Navet / Italiano: Rapa

Turnip in the food context refers to a root vegetable known scientifically as Brassica rapa. Part of the cruciferous family, turnips are widely cultivated for their white, fleshy taproot, although their greens are also edible and nutritious. Turnips are a versatile ingredient in various culinary traditions, appreciated for their slightly sweet and peppery flavor.

Deutsch: Trüffel / Español: Trufa / Português: Trufa / Français: Truffe / Italiano: Tartufo

Truffle in the food context refers to a type of edible fungus that grows underground near the roots of certain trees. Truffles are highly prized in culinary arts for their distinctive aroma and deep, earthy flavor, which can enhance a variety of dishes from simple pastas to luxurious gourmet creations.

Deutsch: Laden / Español: Tienda / Português: Loja / Français: Magasin / Italiano: Negozio

In the food context, Tindahan refers to a small store or shop in the Philippines that sells a variety of food items alongside other everyday necessities. These can range from small, family-run corner shops to slightly larger grocery outlets. In many Filipino communities, the tindahan is a crucial source of daily essentials, offering everything from fresh produce, snacks, and canned goods to beverages and household items.

English: Bread (Turtle Shape) / Deutsch: Brot (Schildkrötenform) / Español: Pan (Forma de Tortuga) / Português: Pão (Formato de Tartaruga) / Français: Pain (Forme de Tortue) / Italiano: Pane (Forma di Tartaruga) /

"Tinapay (Korteng Pagong)" in the food context directly translates to "bread (shaped like a turtle)" in Filipino. This description suggests a type of bread that is crafted or shaped to resemble a turtle, which might be a creative presentation rather than a specific type of bread.

Deutsch: Geräucherter Tamban / Español: Tamban Ahumado / Português: Tamban Defumado / Français: Tamban Fumé / Italiano: Tamban Affumicato

Tinapang Tamban refers to smoked Tamban, a type of small sardine-like fish that is widely consumed in the Philippines and other parts of Southeast Asia. The process of smoking these fish not only preserves them but also imparts a distinctive smoky flavor that enhances their natural taste. Tinapang Tamban is a popular ingredient in Filipino cuisine, known for its versatility and can be enjoyed as a standalone dish or used to add depth of flavor to other dishes.

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