Glossary L

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Lahmahjoon refers to or best described as an Armenian pizza. This Armenian pizza is made with ground lamb, tomatoes, onions, peppers and spices.

Lakerda refers to Armenian salted dried fish. It also refers to a pickled King fish. To make pickled King fsh, see recipe below
Lakerda is a Croatian word for mackerel.
In Turkish

Lokhoom refers to a Turkish gelatinous candy dusted with powdered sugar. It is also known as "Turkish delight".

- Lohri Festival : Lohri, also known as Maghi refers to a traditional mid-winter festival held in the month of January, and is celebrated throughout Himachal Pradesh.

The festival primarily linked with the

Linguado Macau refers to one of the popular Macau or Macanese dishes of a fried sole that is usually served with green salad
Lucknow is the capital of Uttar Pradesh and is situated on the banks of the River Gomati, about 516 km east of Delhi.