Glossary O

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Ogo refers to a common name of a variety of seaweed used in Hawaii for food.

Osang refers to African tea which is one of the national drinks of Equatorial Guinea. Osang is a traditional African tea from Equatorial Guinea. It is a a milky, sweet, and spiced tea.

Ostriche fritte is the Italian term for "fried oysters" that is often serve as antipasto..

"Oil" typically refers to a liquid fat that is used in cooking, baking,, and other culinary applications.

Deutsch: Okra / Indian: Vendakka
Okra, known in many English-speaking countries as lady's fingers, bhindi or gumbo, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It is valued for its edible green seed pods. The geographical origin of okra is disputed, with supporters of South Asian, Ethiopian and West African origins. The plant is cultivated in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions around the world.

Okra is a Filipino word for Okra or lady's finger in English. Okra is the long, slender fruits of the okra plant that is eaten in the Philippines, most Asian countries and Arabic countries. It is a very popular vegetable among the Filipinos, as it can be simply boiled in water with a little salt and served with Bagoong Isda (fish paste) and Kalamansi (local citrus) serving as dipping sauce, a good side dish for cooked rice (Kanin) and Pritong Isda (fried fish) Usually, Okra is used in Philippines vegetables stews like Pinakbet and Dinengdeng. It is also a good ingredient for Sinigang.

I have tried cooking Okra from the can in Germany, but I didn't enjoy its taste, I still prefer the fresh ones which I used to cook while in the Philippines. The frozen ones are a good substitute though when fresh ones are not available.

Deutsch: Backofen
An oven is a thermally insulated chamber used for the heating, baking or drying of a substance, and most commonly used for cooking. Kilns and furnaces are special-purpose ovens, used in pottery and metalworking, respectively.

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