Deutsch: Pritong Daing na Bangus / Español: Pritong Daing na Bangus / Português: Pritong Daing na Bangus / Français: Pritong Daing na Bangus / Italiano: Pritong Daing na Bangus

Pritong Daing na Bangus is a popular Filipino dish consisting of marinated and fried milkfish (Bangus). "Daing" refers to the process of marinating the fish in a mixture of vinegar, salt, and garlic, sometimes with the addition of pepper and other spices, then sun-drying or simply marinating it for several hours. "Pritong" means fried, indicating the final step of cooking the fish. This dish is celebrated for its savory and slightly tangy flavor profile, combining the rich, tender texture of Bangus with a crisp, golden exterior.


Bangus, known as milkfish, is a staple seafood in the Philippines, appreciated for its mild flavor and versatility. In Pritong Daing na Bangus, the fish is typically butterflied open from the back to remove the gills and intestines while leaving the scales on to keep the flesh moist during frying. The marination process not only flavors the fish but also helps preserve it, a technique that has been used in Filipino cuisine for generations. The dish is often served for breakfast with garlic rice and a side of fried eggs, making a hearty and satisfying meal.

Application Areas

Pritong Daing na Bangus is widely enjoyed across the Philippines, in both home kitchens and local eateries. It's a common sight at breakfast tables, but it's also served for lunch and dinner, showcasing its versatility as a dish. Additionally, it has become a representative item in Filipino restaurants worldwide, offering a taste of Philippine culinary heritage to the international community.

Well-Known Examples

While Pritong Daing na Bangus focuses on milkfish, the technique of daing can be applied to other types of fish, such as tilapia or sardines, indicating the adaptability of this preservation method across different seafood. Each variant brings its unique flavor and texture to the table, but the marination and frying process remain central to achieving the characteristic taste and crispiness of daing dishes.

Treatment and Risks

As with all seafood, ensuring freshness is crucial when preparing Pritong Daing na Bangus to avoid foodborne illnesses. The marination process in vinegar helps in partially preserving the fish, but proper refrigeration before cooking is essential for safety. When frying, using a sufficient amount of oil and maintaining an appropriate temperature are key to achieving a crispy exterior without overcooking the interior.


Basic Pritong Daing na Bangus Recipe:


  • 1 whole milkfish (Bangus), butterflied and cleaned
  • 1/2 cup vinegar
  • 4-6 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • Cooking oil for frying


  1. Marinate the butterflied Bangus in a mixture of vinegar, garlic, salt, and pepper. Ensure both sides are well coated. Cover and let it marinate in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours or overnight for best results.
  2. Heat a large frying pan over medium heat and add enough cooking oil to cover the bottom of the pan.
  3. Once the oil is hot, remove the Bangus from the marinade and fry it skin side down first, until golden brown and crispy, about 5-7 minutes per side depending on the size of the fish.
  4. Carefully flip the fish to fry the other side, achieving the same level of crispiness.
  5. Remove the fish from the pan and drain on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  6. Serve hot with a side of garlic rice and a sliced tomato or a vinegar dipping sauce.

Similar Terms or Synonyms

In the context of Filipino cuisine, "daing" refers to the process of marinating and then drying or frying fish. Other dishes that utilize the daing method with different types of fish can also be labeled with the term "daing," making it a generic term for a variety of marinated and prepared seafood in the Philippines.


Pritong Daing na Bangus is a beloved Filipino dish that exemplifies the country's rich tradition of seafood preparation. Through the process of marinating, drying, and frying, it transforms the simple milkfish into a flavorful and satisfying meal, enjoyed at any time of the day. It's not only a culinary delight but also a cultural icon, representing the ingenuity and flavor preferences of Filipino cuisine.


Pritong Daing na Bangus refers to a dish from the Philippines made from clean, butterflied and marinated Bangus (Milkfish) which is fried. They are usually served for breakfast (Agahan) with slices of fresh Tomatoes or a dip (Sawsawan) made from Vinegar . The Milkfish (Bangus) is marinated in a mixture of Vinegar (Suka), crushed Garlic (Bawang) and salt and pepper preferably overnight or a day before frying.

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