Glossary L

Lambanog refers to a Filipino local wine from the nipa or coconut sap.

Lap Suong refers to Chinese Sausage or Chinese-style sausage that originates from China. It is the generic name for any style or variety of sausage from China and known commonly for its Cantonese name "Lap Suong" which is also spelled as Lap Xuong, Lap Cheong or Lap Chong.

Lángos also spelled Langos refers to a Hungarian traditional bread.

Please see article entitled Langos for more information. Below is a picture of salty/savory Langos which was one of the food sold during the 2015 Bremen Freimarkt, an annual Festival held in the City of Bremen, Germany.

This is a salty/savory Lángos which is topped by garlic butter then grated cheese. It maybe so fatty, but so delicious just the same.

Lazat is Malysian word which means delicious or tasty.

Luwombo refers to Uganda's stew made from meat, vegetables or fish steamed in banana leaves