Deutsch: Hanjeongsik / Español: Hanjeongsik / Português: Hanjeongsik / Français: Hanjeongsik / Italiano: Hanjeongsik

Hanjeongsik in the food context refers to a traditional Korean full-course meal that features a wide array of dishes served at once. This meal is noted for its variety and balance, showcasing the richness and diversity of Korean cuisine.


Hanjeongsik originated from the royal and aristocratic dining customs of historical Korea and has evolved into a style of eating that celebrates special occasions or serves as a culinary experience for guests and tourists wanting to explore authentic Korean food. It typically includes a sequence of dishes ranging from appetizers to desserts, prominently featuring banchan (small side dishes), main dishes, soups, and rice.

The meal starts with an assortment of cold appetizers and moves through various courses, each meticulously prepared. Central to the experience are the banchan, which can include kimchi, seasoned vegetables, pancakes, and various fermented dishes, providing a range of flavors from spicy and sour to sweet and savory.

Application Areas

Hanjeongsik is particularly popular in:

  • Korean Restaurants: Often offered as a premium menu option that allows diners to sample a wide variety of traditional Korean dishes in one sitting.
  • Festive and Family Gatherings: Serving hanjeongsik during special occasions and celebrations is a way to honor guests with a feast that reflects the generosity and hospitality of the host.
  • Cultural and Culinary Tourism: Visitors to Korea may seek out hanjeongsik to experience the full breadth of Korean culinary arts in a traditional setting.

Well-Known Examples

Dishes typically included in a hanjeongsik meal are:

  • Bibimbap: A mixed rice dish with assorted vegetables, meat (usually beef), a raw or fried egg, and gochujang (chili pepper paste).
  • Japchae: Stir-fried sweet potato noodles with vegetables and sometimes meat.
  • Galbi: Grilled marinated beef ribs.
  • Doenjang Jjigae: A hearty stew made with soybean paste, vegetables, and often containing seafood or meat.
  • Kimchi: Fermented cabbage, a staple in Korean cuisine.

Treatment and Risks

Preparing hanjeongsik requires considerable effort and time, as it involves a wide array of ingredients and complex cooking methods. Chefs need to balance the flavors and presentation of each dish to achieve a harmonious meal. Additionally, the extensive variety of dishes served at once means that chefs must manage the preparation carefully to ensure everything is served at optimal freshness and temperature.

Similar Terms

While hanjeongsik is unique to Korean cuisine, it can be likened to other traditional full-course meals from around the world, such as the Japanese kaiseki, which also emphasizes seasonal ingredients and elaborate presentation.


Hanjeongsik is a luxurious and elaborate Korean full-course meal that offers diners an opportunity to experience the depth and variety of Korean cuisine. It reflects the cultural importance of food and hospitality in Korea and provides a culinary journey through the tastes and traditions of Korean cooking.


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