Glossary M

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Montato is the Italian term for "whipped", beaten into a froth, usually refers to cream or eggs, as Panna montata (whipped cream)

Montato is pronounced "mohn-tah-toh"

Menu refers to a list of choices or list of foods that can or will be served at a meal, usually in a restaurant. Menu is pronounced "meh-noo".

Muffuliette refers to soft saffron and aniseed rolls from Sicily, Italy. These soft rolls are flavored with anisee, saffron and serve hot with sesame seeds

Mela is an Italian word for apple
Macelleria is the Italian word for butcher shop, a shop in which meat and poultry (and sometimes fish) are sold

Macellaio is the Italian word for butcher, someone who prepares (slaughter, cutter) various meats used for food and other related goods for sale