Deutsch: Leckerei / Español: Golosina / Português: Petisco / Français: Friandise / Italiano: Leccornia /

Manchatty, also spelled as "manchatti" or "manchatty" in different regions, is a traditional cooking utensil commonly used in South India, especially in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. This versatile utensil is an integral part of South Indian cuisine and is known for its unique design and ability to impart a distinct flavor to various dishes. Manchatties are typically made of clay and are used for various cooking methods, including sautéing, frying, and simmering.

Application Areas of Manchatty:

  1. Tempering Spices: Manchatties are often used for the process of "tempering" or "seasoning" spices and herbs. In this method, various spices like mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves, and dried red chilies are roasted in hot oil to release their flavors before adding them to dishes like curries and rice.

  2. Frying: Manchatties are ideal for deep-frying due to their heat-retaining properties. They are commonly used for frying snacks like pakoras, vadas, and chips.

  3. Preparing Curries: Many South Indian curries, especially those with a coconut base, are cooked in manchatties. The slow and even heat distribution of clay pots enhances the flavors of the curry.

Well-Known Examples of Manchatty:

  1. Meen Curry (Fish Curry): Fish curries prepared in a manchatty are renowned for their rich and authentic taste.

  2. Curry Leaves Tempering: The sound of curry leaves crackling in hot oil inside a manchatty is a characteristic feature of South Indian cooking.

  3. Coconut-Based Dishes: Various coconut-based dishes like coconut chutneys and avial (a mixed vegetable curry) are prepared in manchatties.

Risks Associated with Manchatty:

  1. Breakage: Manchatties are fragile and can break easily if mishandled. Care should be taken while using and storing them.

  2. Seasoning: Proper seasoning of a new manchatty is crucial to prevent cracking and to enhance its cooking properties.

Popular Manchatty Recipe: Kerala Style Fish Curry


  • 500g fish pieces (preferably kingfish)
  • 1 cup grated coconut
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 2-3 green chilies
  • 1 tsp ginger, minced
  • 1 tsp garlic, minced
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 2-3 sprigs of curry leaves
  • 2-3 pieces of dried kokum (or tamarind pulp)
  • Salt to taste
  • Water
  • Coconut oil for seasoning


  1. Grind the grated coconut, mustard seeds, green chilies, ginger, and garlic to a smooth paste using a little water.
  2. In a manchatty, add the fish pieces, turmeric powder, and salt. Pour enough water to cover the fish and cook until the fish is almost done.
  3. Add the ground coconut mixture and dried kokum pieces to the manchatty. Simmer until the curry is well-cooked and the flavors have melded.
  4. In a separate pan, heat coconut oil and add curry leaves. Pour this seasoning over the fish curry.
  5. Serve the Kerala style fish curry hot with steamed rice.

History and Legal Basics:

Manchatties have been used in South Indian cooking for centuries and are an integral part of the region's culinary heritage. There are no specific legal regulations related to manchatties, but they are considered cultural artifacts and are highly valued in traditional South Indian households.

Examples of Sentences:

  • The aroma of the spices tempering in the manchatty filled the kitchen with a tantalizing fragrance.
  • My grandmother's traditional fish curry, prepared in a clay manchatty, is a family favorite.
  • She carefully seasoned the new manchatty to ensure its longevity and cooking efficiency.

Similar Things or Synonyms:

  • Clay pot
  • Earthenware vessel
  • Mud pot


Manchatty, a traditional clay cooking utensil from South India, is renowned for its ability to enhance the flavors of various dishes. It is commonly used for tempering spices, frying, and preparing curries, imparting a unique and authentic taste to South Indian cuisine. While fragile, proper care and seasoning can ensure the longevity of this valuable cooking utensil.

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