Glossary R

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Rice', 'Roti', 'Ris de Veau'

Deutsch: Rucola / Español: Rúcula / Português: Rúcula / Français: Roquette / Italiano: Rucola

Rocket, also known as arugula or roquette, is a leafy green vegetable popular in salads and other dishes for its peppery, slightly bitter flavor. It belongs to the Brassicaceae family, which includes broccoli, cauliflower, and kale.

Deutsch: Radicchio / Español: Radicchio / Português: Radicchio / Français: Radicchio / Italiano: Radicchio

Radicchio is a type of leaf chicory, often characterized by its striking dark red leaves with white veins. It is commonly used in salads and as a cooked vegetable, known for its distinctive bitter and spicy taste, which becomes milder when grilled or roasted.

Deutsch: Rhabarber / Español: Ruibarbo / Português: Ruibarbo / Français: Rhubarbe / Italiano: Rabarbaro

Rhubarb is a vegetable known for its long, tart stalks, which are commonly used in culinary applications similar to fruit. Despite its sour taste, rhubarb is often sweetened and cooked as a component in desserts, particularly pies and crumbles.

Deutsch: Reisgericht / Español: Comida de Arroz / Português: Refeição de Arroz / Français: Plat à base de Riz / Italiano: Pasto a base di Riso

A Rice Meal in the food context typically refers to a dish or a set of dishes where rice serves as the central or primary component, accompanied by one or more side dishes that could include vegetables, meats, fish, or legumes. The concept of a rice meal is universal, transcending cultures and cuisines, given the staple status of rice in many parts of the world. Depending on the region, the rice can be prepared in various ways, such as steamed, fried, or cooked with spices, and is complemented by side dishes that reflect local flavors and culinary traditions.

Deutsch: Gefüllter Tintenfisch / Español: Calamar Relleno / Português: Lula Recheada / Français: Calmar Farci / Italiano: Calamaro Ripieno

Relyenong Pusit refers to a traditional Filipino dish that consists of stuffed squid. The squid is cleaned and its body is stuffed with a savory filling, which typically includes a mixture of chopped vegetables, ground meat (pork or beef), and sometimes, seafood like shrimp or fish. Seasonings such as garlic, onions, soy sauce, and sometimes tomatoes are added to the filling for flavor. The stuffed squid is then either fried, grilled, or baked, with the cooking method varying depending on regional or familial preferences. This dish is known for its rich flavors, combining the seafood taste of the squid with the hearty, flavorful stuffing.

Deutsch: Red Velvet Cupcake / Español: Cupcake de Terciopelo Rojo / Português: Cupcake de Veludo Vermelho / Français: Cupcake Velours Rouge / Italiano: Cupcake di Velluto Rosso

Red Velvet Cupcake is a classic American dessert known for its distinctive bright red to dark red color and its smooth, velvety texture. This cupcake is typically made with cocoa powder, buttermilk, and vinegar, which react together to bring out the cake's subtle chocolate flavor and tender crumb. The addition of red food coloring—or, in some traditional recipes, beet juice—gives the cake its iconic color. Red Velvet Cupcakes are often topped with a rich cream cheese frosting, creating a delightful contrast of flavors and textures.