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Caffe Americano refers to a single or double shot of espresso poured over 6 ounces (180 ml.) of fresh hot water to produce a milder ("American-style”) coffee. Unlike the American coffee, the crema should rise to the top of the finished beverage. Caffe Americano is likewise an Italian term so named because it closely resembles American Coffee which is weaker than Espresso.
Cholermus Pancakes refer to huge pancakes which is a typical "sweet" country supper of the Swiss. Cholermus Pancakes were said to be or reputedly first made by the herdsmen who then tore them with forks and browned them in butter. Cholermus Pancakes is served with fruits and sugar and steaming mugs of Cafe au Lait. In Swizerland, Cholermus Pancake is already considered a satisfying supper. .
Cane Vinegar is a type/variety of vinegar that is made from sugarcane and has a rich, slightly sweet flavor. It is an important ingredient for making pickles, mustards and vinaigrettes. It adds flavor and aroma to various sauces, marinades and dressings, in cooking sweet and sour dishes marinating herring and making the German Sauerbraten. Cane Vinegar is the most commonly used vinegar in the Philippines as sugarcane is still planted in the Philippines.
Chikki refers to one of India's cofectionaries; a hardened balls made of nuts made from a mixture of hand picked groundnuts and jaggery paste called Gur. This is a traditional confectionery item in India, which is called locally with different names and are available in different varieties depending upon the ingredients used. The most common used ingredients are puffed/ roasted Bengal gram, groundnut, sesame, puffed rice, beaten rice, and copra or coconut scrapping. Jaggery or Gur is the usual sweetening agent used to make these candies. sweet snack food from India that is traditionally made using one or several types of nuts such as Chikki nuts. The contents of this snack are held together with the use of a sweetener such as jaggery, sugar, glucose, or honey combined with corn syrup. the mixture is then placed into wooden molds to create a large slab that is then rolled out with wooden rolling pins to achieve the desired thickness of approximately 1/2 inch (6 to 8 mm) thick. After setting up, the Chikki is then ready to cut into small squares or retangular pieces for serving. Other ingredients that may be used for making different types of Chikki include: sesame seeds, almonds, pistachios, combined with puffed rice, beaten rice, coconut, and puffed (roasted) bengal gram. Example of Chikki is Til Chikki, a sesame candy from Rajasthan, India

Caviar d'Aubergine refers to cold eggplant purée; pureed eggplants which is a popular hors-d'oeuvre in the South of France.
Châtaignes is the French for "sweet chestnuts" made into various desserts (Marron Glace) and even to an alcohol or aperitif called Crème de Châtaigne. Châtaignes grow abundantly in Lot Valley and Ardèche in Rhones Alpes Region of France. Châtaigne the singular form of Châtaignes is pronounced "shah-tah-nyuh". In the Philippines, my home country, cooked sweet, roasted chestnuts are one of the best treat for Christmas. I remember when I was a little girl, I can only eat roasted chestnuts during Christmas time. My siblings love them, too. Roasted chestnuts always remind me of my childhood and my late father who never failed to bring home roasted chestnut for our Media Noche (Christmas eve meal) no matter how very, very expensive they are. Here in Germany, during winter time, I only have to go to Hauptbahnhof (the main train station) of my city and there is a small stand in front of it selling freshly roasted and hot "Marrons". I never miss that opportunity, eating them one by one makes me feel I am home châtaigne Sweet chestnuts growing abundantly in the Aveyron Pronounced: shah-TAH-nyuh Latin: Castanea sativa Gender: f Language: French Ethnicity: French Most frequent country: France See places: French food and cuisine

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