Glossary H

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Horno', 'Hash', 'Hache'
Helva refers to Turkey's sweetmeat dessert mostly made with flour and semolina, butter, sugar, milk, and nuts.

Hoenderpastei is a South African term for "chicken pie". Hoenderpastei (Afrikaans for chicken pie) refers basically to a pastry which is filled with chicken and vegetables in a thick and creamy gravy-like sauce, with some bacon and ham for added flavor and then topped with a pastry crust.

Hamin is another name for Cholent describing the traditional meals served in Jewish families on the Sabbath. Ingredients such as meat, onions, beans, garlic and other herbs and spices are thrown in one pot to simmer. It usually warms overnight. Hamin is a traditional Jewish stew simmered overnight, for 12 hours or more, and eaten for lunch on the Sabbath.

- Halaan (clam) soup : Halaan soup refers to a soup from the Philippines where basic ingredient is clam which is called "Halaan" in the Philippines.

Hakarl refers to an Icelandic dish that consists of cured or putrefied shark meat that has been buried for months, then dried for few more months, Hakarl is typically accompanied by a shot of Brenivinn, a caraway-flavored schnapps. Hakarl is prepared by cutting the fish meat into strips and storing in clean gravel beds for several weeks. Following this, the strips of fish are washed then air-fried in special sheds. Although strongly pungent, the flavor is much prized.

Hachis is the French word for "Hash ". Hachis is synonymous to Quenelle, Farcis, and Godiveau or Force-Meat.

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