Glossary H

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Habishanno refers to a Bengali food of rice and vegetable boiled in an earthen pot which is prescribed for mourners after the death of a family member.

Halua refers to Bengali's sweet dish made by cooking cream of wheat, eggs, flour and other things in ghee and sugar. Halua is similar to Halva of the Middle East.

Hilla is the Finnish word for "cloudberries", orange coloured raspberry shaped berries growing on marshlands and swamps. Eaten either fresh as they are with a sprinkle of sugar on top, made into jam or eaten frozen with Kinuski-kastike and ice-cream.

Hinano refers to the famous beer from Tahiti or the French Polynesia..

Htamin Chin refers to the Myanmar rice salad made with turmeric.

Hawajat refers to a very common spice used in Yemen which a mixture of turmeric, black pepper, cumin, coriander and cardamom. Hawajat is added to almost all kinds of Yemeni dishes. "The Yemenite cuisine is simple, even austere, and low in fat with flavors coming not from fat or sugar (there is relatively little meat or dairy, and few sweets) but from abundant spicing.

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