Glossary E

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Egg (Mutta) Roast', 'Erdbeer Creme Torte', 'Ethanol'
Entree if the French word for "First Course" refering to the first course of a meal. Appetiser or starter. Entree is pronounced as "ohn-tray"
Eperlan is the French term for "Smelt" or whitebait, a kind of fish that is usually fried, often imported but still found in the estuaries of the Loire.
Esqueixada refers to a Catalan term that literally means "shredded", referring to a shredded salt cod salad which is mostly served as an appetizer. Esqueixada refers to a Catalan salad made of Bacalla or Bacalao (shredded salted cod) with tomatoes, red peppers, onions, white beans, olives, olive oil and vinegar
Eieren' is the Dutch word for "eggs" which consist of different types, namely: (1) Eieren refer to the ordinary eggs. Unless you you see any of the terms below on the package, you're probably buying eggs laid by battery hens in tiny cages;. (2) Scharreleieren refers to "Free range eggs" from chickens which are not put in tiny cage, but on cages where they roam free, where there is more spcae unlike those tiny cages;. (3) Graseieren refer to eggs from hens that have access to the outdoors, usually from the countryside. (4) Vrije uitloop eieren refer to eggs from hens that have access to the outdoors. (5) Biologische eieren -refer to Organic eggs. The term "Organic" indicates a method of farming in which the hens are fed organic feed and live in a cage-free environment, with access to the outdoors. Organic egg producers may not use antibiotics except during an infectious outbreak. Forced molting or de-beaking is not allowed. (6) Biodynamische eieren - Bio-dynamic eggs. The term "bio-dynamic" indicates a method of organic farming that looks at the farm as a complete eco-system.

En Chemise is the French term which means "With their skin", generally referring to potatoes with skins on or in a paste or pastry crust. In cooking term, En Chemise which literally means "in a blouse" refers to food wrapped in their own skin, as in potatoes cooked with skin on (Jacket Potato), foods wrapped in caul fat or bladder, etc. En Chemise is pronounced "ohn sheh-meez".
Empanada de Queso refers to Chile's deep fried patty filled with cheese. Empanada de Queso is easy to find everywhere Chile, even in McDonald's located in cities.

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