Deutsch: Gefüllter Tintenfisch / Español: Calamar Relleno / Português: Lula Recheada / Français: Calmar Farci / Italiano: Calamaro Ripieno

Relyenong Pusit refers to a traditional Filipino dish that consists of stuffed squid. The squid is cleaned and its body is stuffed with a savory filling, which typically includes a mixture of chopped vegetables, ground meat (pork or beef), and sometimes, seafood like shrimp or fish. Seasonings such as garlic, onions, soy sauce, and sometimes tomatoes are added to the filling for flavor. The stuffed squid is then either fried, grilled, or baked, with the cooking method varying depending on regional or familial preferences. This dish is known for its rich flavors, combining the seafood taste of the squid with the hearty, flavorful stuffing.


Relyenong Pusit is celebrated in Filipino cuisine for its complexity and the skill required to prepare it. The process of stuffing the squid without breaking its delicate body, coupled with the balance of flavors in the filling, showcases the culinary dexterity involved in Filipino cooking. This dish is often served during special occasions and festive gatherings, symbolizing abundance and the meticulous care put into traditional Filipino meals.

Application Areas

In the Philippines, Relyenong Pusit is a popular dish in home cooking and is also featured in the menus of many Filipino restaurants. It can be found at family reunions, fiestas, and other celebratory events. Beyond the Philippines, this dish is also enjoyed by the Filipino diaspora, serving as a comforting reminder of home for those living abroad.

Well-Known Examples

While Relyenong Pusit itself is a standout dish, the concept of stuffing seafood with a savory filling is common in various cuisines worldwide. Similar dishes include the Greek "Kalamaria Gemista" (stuffed squid) and the Italian "Calamari Ripieni". Each version has its unique take on the stuffing and preparation methods, reflecting the culinary traditions of each culture.

Treatment and Risks

When preparing Relyenong Pusit, it's important to clean the squid thoroughly and to cook the stuffing completely to avoid any foodborne illnesses associated with undercooked meat or seafood. Additionally, as squid can become tough and chewy if overcooked, careful attention to cooking times and methods is crucial to ensure the dish is both safe to eat and enjoyable in texture.


Simple Relyenong Pusit Recipe:


  • 4 large squid, cleaned with tentacles set aside
  • 1/2 lb ground pork or beef
  • 1/4 lb small shrimp, chopped (optional)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tomato, diced (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • Toothpicks or kitchen string


  1. In a bowl, mix the ground meat, chopped shrimp, onion, garlic, tomato, soy sauce, and beaten egg. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. Chop the squid tentacles and add them to the mixture.
  3. Stuff the squid bodies with the filling, securing the open end with toothpicks or kitchen string.
  4. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Gently place the stuffed squid in the pan and cook until browned on all sides.
  5. Add a small amount of water to the pan, cover, and let simmer for about 20 minutes, or until the stuffing is cooked through.
  6. Remove the toothpicks or string before serving. Serve the Relyenong Pusit hot with rice.

Similar Terms or Synonyms

In English, Relyenong Pusit is often referred to as "Stuffed Squid." However, the specific preparation and seasoning make it distinctively Filipino, with a unique taste profile that differentiates it from other stuffed squid dishes.


Relyenong Pusit is a quintessential Filipino dish that showcases the rich flavors and culinary artistry of the Philippines. It marries the fresh taste of squid with a savory, hearty stuffing, making it a beloved choice for special occasions and everyday meals alike. This dish not only highlights the versatility of seafood in Filipino cuisine but also the culture's penchant for intricate, flavorful cooking.


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