Glossary C

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Ceviche, a refreshing and vibrant dish, is a culinary gem cherished in both international and national gastronomies. This seafood delight features fresh, raw fish or seafood that is marinated in citrus juices, typically lime or lemon, along with various seasonings. The acid from the citrus juices effectively "cooks" the seafood, giving it a unique texture and flavor. In this article, we will explore the world of Ceviche, from its diverse preparations to its cultural significance, and provide you with a popular recipe to savor this culinary masterpiece.

English: Cajeta / Deutsch: Cajeta / Español: Cajeta / Português: Cajeta / Français: Cajeta / Italiano: Cajeta /

Cajeta, a sweet and luscious Mexican delicacy, is a beloved treat in both international and national culinary landscapes. This delectable confection, often likened to caramel or dulce de leche, boasts a rich and creamy texture with a deep, caramelized flavor. It is typically made from goat's milk and sugar, and sometimes enriched with other ingredients such as vanilla or cinnamon. In this article, we will explore the world of Cajeta, delving into its diverse applications, cultural significance, and even providing a popular recipe for you to enjoy.

Carnitas is a savory and flavorful Mexican dish made from slow-cooked pork that is typically shredded and then fried until crispy. This delectable treat is widely enjoyed in Mexican cuisine and beyond, offering a rich taste and versatile applications. In this article, we will delve into the world of Carnitas, exploring its culinary significance, preparation, popular recipes, potential risks associated with its consumption, and its historical and legal context. Additionally, we will list some similar dishes from various cuisines.

Cabrito is a culinary term that refers to young, tender goat meat, particularly from a kid (young goat) that is typically three to five months old. This delicacy is enjoyed in various cuisines around the world and offers a unique flavor profile. In this article, we will explore the significance of Cabrito in gastronomy, its preparation, popular recipes, potential risks associated with its consumption, and its historical and legal context. Additionally, we will list some similar dishes from different cuisines.

Deutsch: Chayote / Indian: Chow Chow, Sheema Kathrikka,

Chayote, also known as vegetable pear, mirliton, or choko, is a green, wrinkled vegetable that belongs to the gourd family. It is widely used in various cuisines around the world and offers numerous health benefits. In this article, we will explore what Chayote is in the food context, provide examples of its culinary uses, discuss its nutritional value, potential risks, and application areas. Additionally, we will delve into a brief history of Chayote and touch upon any legal aspects associated with its production and sale.

Chaya is a highly nutritious leafy green vegetable that has gained recognition for its health benefits. Often referred to as "tree spinach" due to its appearance, Chaya is native to Mexico and Central America. In this article, we will explore what Chaya is in the food context, provide examples of its uses, discuss potential risks, and offer insights into its application areas. Additionally, we will touch on the history and legal aspects of Chaya and list some similar leafy greens.

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