Glossary G

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Gatas na Malabnaw', 'German', 'Germany'
Gestovtes is the German term which is also known as gedämpftes or gedünstetes. In cooking, it refers to food, particulary vegetables (carrots, leeks, celery) which are stewed, steamed or braised, as in gedünstetes Gemüse which is a German for "Braised vegetables". Frankfurth has also a specialty food called "Frankfurter gestovtes Kalbfleisch". Below is a recipe from Schleswig-Holstein of steamed, stewed or braised vegetables with butter-flour sauce. It can be served as a side dish for fish or meat dishes. Recipe: GESTOVTES GEMÜSE Zutaten für 4 Portionen: 400 g Möhren oder Steckrüben 400 g Lauch 150 g Knollensellerie, Salz and weißer Pfeffer 1 Prise Zucker 2 TL Butter 2 TL Mehl 1 EL Zitronensaft Zubereitung: Möhren putzen, waschen, in Scheiben schneiden. Lauch längs aufschlitzen, gründlich waschen und schräg in Ringe schneiden. Sellerie schälen, in kleine Würfel schneiden. Das Gemüse in einen Topf geben, etwa 1/8 l Wasser angießen. Mit Salz und 1 Prise Zucker würzen, zugedeckt etwa 10 Minuten dünsten. Die Butter mit dem Mehl verkneten. Unter das Gemüse mischen und kurz aufkochen, bis eine sämige Soße entsteht. Mit Salz, Pfeffer und Zitronensaft abschmecken.

Gozinki refers to an original Georgian dessert - a nuts and honey bars. Gozinki is made by fried nuts boiled with honey until the nuts and honey are caramelized. The mixture is cooled until it is hard and then cut in squares. It is one of the most popular sweets from the country. In Georgian which is located in Central Asia, there are just few sweets, as their various fruits, berries, natural juices, nuts, honey, and dry grape wine are already regarded as desserts.
Gula Jawa refers to "Coconut sugar " or brownish colored sugar used in Brunei. Gula Jawa refers to palm sugar; richly aromatic sugar made by tapping and boiling the sugar of the palm (Arenga pinnata). It is one of the ingredients used in Indonesian cooking. In Indonesia, Gula Jawa is also known as Merah or Gula Merah.
Golubtsi refers to the traditional juicy dish of Kazakhstan made from ground or minced meat and rice wrapped in cabbage leaves and cooked in oil. Similar to Germany's Kohl Roulade, a German dish made of rolled cabbage leaves stuffed with meat
Gahat Ki Dal is a Kumaoni dish prepared from Gahat (a kind of lentil). The dish is also consisting of other ingredients such as, turmeric, rice, coriander powder, red chilli powder, fat, ginger, asafetida, garlic, cumin seeds. Kumaoni are the people and the language of the people of Almora, Nainital, Pithoragarh, Bageshwar, Udhamsingh Nagar districts of Uttarakhand, a region in Indian Himalayas.
Garhwali refers to the people and local dialects spoken by the people of Garhwal. Garhwal, or Gadhwal, is a region and administrative division of Uttaranchal, lying in the Himalayas. It is bounded on the north by Tibet, on the east by Kumaon region, on the south by Uttar Pradesh, and on the west by Himachal Pradesh. It includes the districts of Chamoli, Dehradun, Haridwar, Pauri (Pauri Garhwal), Rudraprayag, Tehri (Tehri Garhwal), and Uttarkashi. The administrative center for Garhwal division is the town of Pauri.