Glossary V
Volaille is the French word for fowl or poultry; Poultry or game fowl, such as the Canard (duck), Poulet (Chicken), capon, coq (cockerel), oie (goose), pheasant, poissin, Dinde (turkey), etc. prepared as Consommé de Volaille, Filet de Volaille and Côtelettes de Volaille à la Dauphine among many other French Poutry or Fowl dishes
It is spring time, the weather is beautiful and for most of us, it is time for holidays, going on a trip, sometimes overseas. In view of this, we listed here food and cooking terms in six (6) languages to serve as your guide. We know that this list is incomplete, but we will try our best to publish some more, soon. Basic Food and Cooking Translations/Dictionary in Six (6) Languages
appetizer | hor d' oeuvres | Vorspeise | antipasto | Entremeses varlados | pulutan | |
bacon | lard de poctrine fume | Speck | pancetta | tocino | tocino/bacon | |
baked | cuit au four | gebacken | al forno | al horno | hurno | |
beef | boeuf | Rindfleisch | manzo | vacca | baka | |
beefsteak | bifteck | Beefsteak or Bifleck | bistecca | biftec | bistek | |
boiled | bouilli | gekocht | bollito | hervido | nilaga | |
bone | os | Knochen | osso | hueso | buto | |
brains | cervelle | Hirn | cervella | sesos | utak | |
breast | sein | Brust | petto | pecho | picho | |
broiled | grille | geschmort | alla griglia | asarse | inihaw | |
broth | bouillon | Kraftbrühe | brodo | caldo | sabaw | |
butter | beurre | Butter | burro | mantequilla | mantekilya | |
calf | veau | Kalb | vitello | ternero | ||
cheese | fromage | Kase | formaggio | queso | keso | |
choice | de choix | excellent | scelto | selecto | ||
chopped | hache | gehackt | tritato | picado | hiniwa | |
cold | froid | kalt | freddo | frio | malamig | |
( to ) cook | faire cuire | kochen | cucinare | cocinar | magluto | |
cooked | cuit | gekocht | cotto | cocinado | luto | |
cream | creme | Sahne | crema | crema | krema/cream | |
crust | croute | Kruste | crosta | corteza | ||
cut | morceau | Schnitt | taglio | corte | hiwa | |
cutlet | escalope | Kotelett | cotoletta | chuleta | ||
dish | mets | Gericht | piatto | manjar | Pagkain/ulam | |
dry (wine) | sec | trocken | secco | seco | alak | |
eggs | oeufs | Eier | uova | huevo | itlog | |
fat | graisse | Fett | grasso | grasa | taba | |
filet or fillet | filet | Filet | filetto | felete | ||
flour | farine | Mehl | farina | harina | arina | |
fresh | frais | frisch | fresco | fresco | sariwa | |
fried | frit | geröstet or gebraten | fritto | frito | prito | |
garlic | ail | knoblauch | aglio | ajo | bawang | |
gravy | sauce or jus | sosse | sugo | salsa | sarsa/sawsawan | |
grilled | grille | gegrillt | al ferri | a la parrilla | inihaw | |
half | demi | halb | mezzo | medio | kalahati | |
ham | jambon | Schinken | prosciutto | jamon | hamon | |
hamburger | viande hachee | Frikadelle | ham burghese | hamburguesa | hamburger | |
hash | hachis | Gehacktes | carne trita | picadillo | giniling | |
heart | coeur | Herz | cuore | corazon | puso | |
heavy | lourd | schwer | pesante | pesado | mabigat | |
homemade | de la maison | hausgemacht | alla casalinga | casero | gawang bahay | |
horseradish | raifort | Meerrettich | ravanello | rabano picante | labanos | |
hot | chaud | heiss | caldo | caliente | mainit | |
kidneys | rognons | Nieren | rognoni | rinones | lapay | |
lamb | agneau | Lammfleisch | agnello | cordero | kordero | |
lean | maigre | magar | magro | magro | laman | |
leg | gigot; gigue | Keule | coscia | pierna | pata | |
lemon | citron | Zitrone | limone | limon | dayap | |
liver | foie | Leber | fegato | higado | atay | |
local | du pays | örtlich | locale | del pais | lokal | |
meat | viande | Fleisch | carne | carne | Karne | |
meatball | boulette | Fleischklößchen | polpetta | albondiga | ||
medium | a point | gar | a punto | a Medio asar | katamtaman | |
milk | lait | Milch | latte | leche | gatas | |
mixed | melange | gemischt | misto | mixto | halu-halo/sama-sama/magkakahalo | |
mushrooms | champignons | pilze | funghi | hongo | kabuti/kabute | |
mustard | moutarde | Senf | denape or mostarda | mostaza | mustasa | |
mutton | mouton | Hammelfleisch | montone | carnero | ||
nut | fruit sec; noix (walnut) | Nuss | noce | nuez | nuwes | |
oil | huile | Öl | olio | aceite | mantika/langis | |
olive oil | huile d' olive | Olivenöl | olio d' oliva | aceite de oliva | ||
onion | oignon | Zwiebel | cipolla | cebolla | sibuyas | |
paprika | paprika | Pfefferschoten | paprica | pimenton | ||
parsley | persil | petersillie | prezzemolo | perejil | ||
pepper | poivre | pfeffer | pepe | pimienta | paminta | |
pie | tarte | pastete | torta | pastel | torta | |
plain | simple | einfach | semplice | sencillo | karaniwan, simple, payak | |
poached | poche | verlorene | in camicia | escalfar | ||
pork | porc | Schweinefleisch | maiale or Carne di porco | cerdo | karne ng Baboy | |
potato | pomme de terre | Kartoffel | patata | patata | patatas | |
rare | saignant | halbroh | poco cotto | poco asado | malasado | |
raw | cru | roh | crudo | crudo | hilaw | |
red wine | vin rouge | Rotwein | vino rosso | vino tinto | ||
rib | cote | Rippe | costola | costilla | tadyang | |
rice | riz | Reis | riso | arroz | bigas | |
roasted | roti | gebraten | arrosto | asado | inihaw | |
roast beef | rosbif | Rinderbraten | rosbif | rosbif | inihaw na baka | |
salad | salade | Salat | insalata | ensalada | ensalada/salad | |
salt | sel | Salz | sale | sal | asin | |
sandwich | sandwich | belegtes Brot | panino imbottito | emparedado | sandwich/emperadado | |
sauce | sauce | Sosse | salsa | salsa | sarsa | |
sausage | saucisse | Wurst | salsiccia | salchicha | longganisa | |
shoulder | epaule | Schulter | spalla | espalda | balikat | |
sirloin | faux-filet | Lendenstück | lombo | solomillo | lomo | |
slice | tranche | Schnitte | fetta | rebanada | hiwa/piraso | |
smoked | fume | gerauchert | affumicato | ahumado | tinapa | |
soup | potage | Suppe | zuppa | sopa | sopas/sabaw | |
sour | aigre | sauer | agro | agrio | maasim | |
spaghetti | spaghetti | Spaghetti | spaghetti | macarrones | spaghetti | |
spicy | piquant | scharf | piccante | picante | maanghang | |
steak | entrecote or bifteck | Rumsteak | bistecca | lonja | bistek | |
stew | ragout | Ragout | stufato | guisado | nilaga/sinigang | |
stuffed | farci | gefüllt | farcito | relleno | relleno | |
sweet | doux or sucre | suss | dolce | dulce | matamis | |
sweetbreads | ris de veau | Broschen | animelle | lechecillas | ||
tenderloin | filet | Filet | filetto | filete | lomo/solomilyo | |
thick | epais | dick | spesso | espeso | makapal | |
thin | mince | dünn | sottile | delgado | manipis | |
tomato | tomate | Tomate | pomodoro | tomate | kamatis | |
tongue | langue | Zunge | lingua | lengua | dila/lengua | |
veal | veau | Kalbfleisch | vitello | ternera | ||
vegetable | legume | Gemüse | vegetale, verdure, or legume | legumbre | gulay | |
vinegar | vinaigre | Essig | aceto | vinagre | suka | |
well-done | bien cuit | durchgebraten | ben cotto | blen asado | lutong-luto | |
white | blanc | weiss | blanco | blanco | puti | |
whole | entier | ganz | intero | entero | buo | |
wine | vin | Wein | vino | vino | alak | |
young | jeune | jung | glovane | joven | mura |